Than a Row of Pink Tents...
The Wizard of Oz OST
Xanadu OST
Bananarama 12 inch remixes
Macy Gray Greatest Hits
and also want tickets for this
Is it possible to be so gay you go straight again?
My life, the people in it and any other shit I decide to throw at you.
Labels: Tales from the weekend
In mumps, one or both of the salivary glands swell up and become painful. This creates the characteristic 'hamster' appearance of a swollen face, particularly just below, and in front of, the ear. The swelling of the glands increases over two to three days and gradually decreases as the high temperature falls. It is not unusual for swelling to last for around eight days.
The incubation period for mumps (the time that the viral infection is in your system before the symptoms begin to show) is between 14-21 days. However, a person who has the mumps infection is contagious from about six days before their glands swell, until about five days after they swell. You can only pass on mumps if you currently have the infection.
Other symptoms of mumps may include:
There may be swelling around the ovaries (in girls) or testes (in boys after puberty).
Around a third of people with the mumps virus develop no symptoms and, in most other people, the symptoms are fairly mild.
Labels: Reviews
Labels: Tales from the TARDIS
Labels: Tales from the TARDIS