
My life, the people in it and any other shit I decide to throw at you.

Wednesday 25 October 2006

The show must go on

So last night was the last rehearsal for A Midsummer Nights Dream. So arriving at the theatre to find it was double booked and we couldnt have it until 9.00pm was not a good thing. Needless to say, Kay spoke to the manager and they other group were booted into a function room so wec ould have at least 1 rehearsal on our set........ and it went very well ... not brilliant but well enough for me to get some sleep.

and only 3 days to Florida. Hopefully my dream of last night wont come true and the wing wont fall off the plane half way there. Then again, my mum wont be on the flight and we wont have to dock at rotating airports in the sky either.


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