
My life, the people in it and any other shit I decide to throw at you.

Thursday, 12 February 2009

What If...

.... a team of Gay Superheroes took on their straight Arch Nemesis...... Peter and I were wondering... Id gotten as far as saying that they would look something like the Leather Clone from The Village People

From: Peter.McHugh
Sent: 12 February 2009 13:04
To: Paul Robinson
Subject: RE:

hmmmm...you gonna grow the mustache? Assless chaps? I could be a super Villain!

From: Paul Robinson
Sent: 12 February 2009 13:11
To: McHugh Peter
Subject: RE:

The Hetero! You vile fiend!

From: Peter.McHugh
Sent: 12 February 2009 13:07
To: Paul Robinson
Subject: RE:

I'll go round putting beercans on tables without coasters! Women shall be undressed with my eyes! Copies of the sun shall be purchased even though as a newspaper its got no news!

From: Paul Robinson
Sent: 12 February 2009 13:14
To: McHugh Peter
Subject: RE:

We'll stop you and your ways! We'll do your hair and redecorate your lair when you aren't looking

From: Peter.McHugh
Sent: 12 February 2009 13:10
To: Paul Robinson
Subject: RE:

Nooooo! Not a throw rug!!! Curse you Welsh Super Best Friends!

From: Paul Robinson
Sent: 12 February 2009 13:19
To: McHugh Peter
Subject: RE:

and IKEA shelves

From: Peter.McHugh
Sent: 12 February 2009 13:15
To: Paul Robinson
Subject: RE:

Aha! But you'll need a straight man to assemble those shelves! While your trying to find one I'll hide your facial cleansers...ALL OF THEM!!!!

From: Paul Robinson
Sent: 12 February 2009 13:25
To: 'Peter.McHugh
Subject: RE:

we can put up shelves..... we DESIGNED THEM!

From: Peter.McHugh
Sent: 12 February 2009 13:21
To: Paul Robinson
Subject: RE:

I know your type Endurance man...it starts with a bar of soap. But that's not good enough. Soon its time for the scrubs. And anyone who doesn't scrub shall be exfoliated! Exfoliate! EXFOLIATE!!!!!

From: Paul Robinson
Sent: 12 February 2009 13:31
To: McHugh Peter
Subject: RE:

And you know what follows exfoliation?
Moisturise me, moisturise me!

From: Peter.McHugh
Sent: 12 February 2009 13:27
To: Paul Robinson
Subject: RE:

Taxi's here! I'm off to my evil lair. Chat Monday!:D

I know .... the ending needs some work............


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